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Teksty piosenek
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Wino,wina, sklep winiarski - najlepsze wina według winiarskich przewodników.


Beautiful South - Woman in the Wall

One day I'm loaded, next day I'm broke
Spent all my money on whisky and coke
Riding high 'till the rock hot the spoke
It's like window shopping for blinds
Spent all my money on a sunbed tan
Spoke the best that a young girl can
Ended up with a blind drunk man
It's like window shopping for blinds
It's like the heartbreak hotel, with the heartbreak but nowhere to stay
The doors are shut on us, the neon lights fading to grey
They say I drink too much, to me, well that's just profound
How do you know you can't swim, until you have drowned?
Well there's always a drop in the bottle lady
Always a sip of the wine
The glass doesn't seem quite so empty
When window shopping for blinds
It's like gatecrashing a field, that's not true, they've harvest they yield
Save your tears for your evening meals,
when you're window shopping for blinds
One day you're sober, next day you're not
One day remembered, the next day forgot
Spent all my money on cocaine and pot
It's like window shopping for blinds
Covered in bruises from head to toe
No-one to speak to, and nowhere to go
A map of nowhere, and nowhere I know
It's like window shopping for blinds
It's like the heartbreak hotel, with the heartbreak but nowhere to stay
The doors are shut on us, the neon lights fading to grey
They say I drink too much, to me, well that's just profound
How do you know you can't swim, until you have drowned?
Well there's always a drop in the bottle lady
Always a sip of the wine
The glass doesn't seem quite so empty
When window shopping for blinds
But what if my husband should come?
Well tell me what have you done?
I've cherished my vodka, I've cherished my rum
Don't mind us, we're just licking our wounds in the sun
It's like writing 'I love you' in snow
You know when you write it the message will go
I want a message my lover will find
Don't mind us, we're just window shopping for blinds

Wszelkie prawa do prezentowanych tekstów posiadają ich autorzy. Tekst jest prezentowany wyłącznie do celów edukacyjnych.
dodał: Administrator
czytano: 692 razy

Fragment na dzis:

Iron Maiden : Journeyman

From the red sky of the east
To the sun set in the west
We have cheated death
And he has cheated us

But that was just a dream
And this is what it means
We are sleeping and we'll
Dream for evermore

And the fragment remains of -
our memories
And the shadows we made with our hands
Deeper grey, came to mourn
All the colours of the dawn
Will this journeyman's day, be has last

I know what I want, and I say what I want
And no one can take it away
I know what I want-
, and I say what I want
And no one can take it away

But the memory still remains
All the past years no so srange
Our winter times are
Like a silent shroud

And the heartbeat of the day
Drives the mist away
And our winter's....

www.exito.pl - teksty i słowa piosenek, song lyrics

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